Just 8 Weeks

Let’s take a look at Jodie Marsh for a moment.


While this isn’t the body I want for myself, this is a great motivator.

In all fairness, she was in pretty good shape before she started her tranformation, and she managed it in just 8 weeks.

While it is impossible for you and I to achieve that body in 8 weeks, I think it’s worth speculating what you could achieve yourself in just 8 weeks.

A year ago, in just 8 weeks, I lost 2 stone. Granted, I made myself very poorly because my body couldn’t deal with the stress of losing so much so quickly, and I slowed my last stone and a half down and lost it over the next three months.

But the point is, I did it. I don’t reccommend losing that much so quickly, but just think;

If I can lose two stone in 8 weeks, what can you do in 8 weeks?

It’s the time of year where we’ve all over-indulged, myself included, and I felt a deep loathing for myself for probably gaining 2-3lbs over the last month.

But why should I feel so bad? I’ve done so well and restricted myself so much this year, what does it matter if I’ve enjoyed myself a little bit?

January, once again, marks the beginning of the “Phase Tone Up”. I’ve got a little more fat to lose before the rest is converted to muscle.

It is going to suck.

For about a week. And then it will feel amazing. If you hate the gym, you don’t actually hate the gym. You hate the first week, and rightly so; you’ll ache, feel exhausted, feel like you’re starving, but push through.

Once you get over that first week, every workout after that will leave you feeling euphoric. Your body will stop craving bad food and you’ll have a secret smugness because you know you’re finally in control.

“But I’m too fat!”

“People at the gym will laugh at me!”

No, you’re not too fat to exercise, and anybody who is serious about fitness will only admire and encourage you. Nobody laughs at anyone who wants to improve themselves, especially when they know what it takes to get there.


That’s me at 12.7 stone on the left, and that’s me at 8.10 stone on the right.

It isn’t impossible. I have some work left to do to have the body I so desperately want, but if I can lose two stone in 8 weeks, what else can I do in 8 weeks?

8 weeks is a fragment of your lifetime, so invest 8 weeks in making an effort to feel good about yourself.

I was totally unfit. I was a smoker and despite being a vegetarian, I ate a lot of bad food.

I gave up smoking (I cheated; I now use an electronic vapour cig) and I went vegan. You don’t need to go to that extreme; it’s what works for me.

If you’re thinking about hitting the gym as a New Year’s Resolution, don’t bother. You have to want it. Don’t make it a resolution, you need to make it a lifestyle choice.

There is nothing better than the feeling you get from working hard and earning what you want.

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